The shortlist for the CWA International Dagger was announced at Crime Fest 2010 tonight.
August Heat by Andrea Camilleri, translated by Stephen Sartarelli (Picador)
Hypothermia by Arnaldur Indriðason, translated by Victoria Cribb (Harvill Secker)
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets’ Nest by Stieg Larsson, translated by Reg Keeland (MacLehose Press)
Thirteen Hours by Deon Meyer,, translated by K.L. Seegers (Hodder and Stoughton)
The Darkest Room by Johan Theorin, translated by Marlaine Delargy (Doubleday)
Thanks to Karen at Euro Crime and Crimeficreader at It's a Crime [or a Mystery] for the information.
The winner will be announced on 23 July so I do have time to read the two remaining books that I have not started [Thirteen Hours and Badfellas] and finish Hypothermia, which I have just begun.
My first reaction is that I would not like to have to choose between such a formidable lineup of books, as from my reading experience, all these authors are superb writers. But I will give my opinion for what it is worth, and pick my winner before the judges give their verdict.
Secondly I am surprised that The Snowman by Jo Nesbo translated by Don Bartlett, and The Man from Beijing by Henning Mankell translated by Laurie Thompson have not made the list.
But with books from France, Italy, Iceland, Sweden, South Africa and Sweden we have a nice range of countries.
The past winners of the International Dagger since its inception in 2006 have been all French, and Fred Vargas has won three times:
2006-The Three Evangelists: Fred Vargas translated by Sian Reynolds
2007-Wash This Blood Clean From My Hand: Fred Vargas translated by Sian Reynolds
2008-Lorraine Connection: Dominique Manotti translated by Roz Schwartz and Amanda Hopkinson
2009-The Chalk Circle Man: Fred Vargas translated by Sian Reynolds
My posts relating to last year's International Dagger Award:
Back to reading for now, but I will be most interested to see if the French monopoly will be broken this year. [Sorry this is a bit difficult to read but I am blaming blogger]
Norman - Thanks for this list. There are so many wonderful choices this year! It'll be interesting to see who wins.
Hey Norman, wish I could read this article but all the non-highlighted text is appearing as a very dark grey against black on my Firefox screen!
Sorry Reg it is not your screen, but blogger played up that day and I was too lazy to redo the blog post
I think you will be a winner this year. My excuse is my fractured kneecap was still hurting then.
My choice is either the Theorin or the Inridason, and that should mean neither will win.;o)
The Stieg Larsson/Reg Keeland trilogy is a fantastic success here and you can not go into a book shop without seeing massive displays of all the books. When we were in Bath in 2009 you had to conduct a search, not necessary now.
I'm betting on the French guy just to be safe!
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