Over at the Picador Blog I see that my article on the Inspector Montalbano novels Appreciating Camilleri is no longer the most recent offering. The newest post is an article about the Nobel committee's decision to award the literature prize to the unknown Jean-Marie Le Clezio.
Picador are publishing a series of blog posts on Andrea Camilleri to coincide with the release of The Paper Moon the ninth Inspector Montalbano in paperback. Thanks to the good offices of Lady Maxine of Petrona they asked me to contribute.
I got a bit carried away and wrote a much longer article but the folks at Picador did an excellent job of editing it down to manageable length. I won't criticise those writers of door stop novels for a few weeks.
Upcoming articles in the Camilleri series include a review of The Paper Moon by Maxine Clarke and Stephen Sartarelli discussing the delights and challenges of translating Camilleri.
Hi -I run a little blog project on Fridays where writers and readers talk about books they think are forgotten or neglected. More than 100 crime writers, reviewers and readers have recommended a book. I wonder if you'd be willing to do one some Friday soon. Your review doesn't have to be long or complex and you can see the previous nine months worth at
If it's not your thing or you’re too busy just now, I understand. Best, Patti Abbott
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