The thirteenth book in Ruth Rendell's Chief Inspector Wexford series is called An Unkindness of Ravens [1985].
If an "unkindness" is the collective noun for a group of ravens, perhaps a "kindness" should be the collective noun for our community of bloggers.
I happened to mention to an attractive Scottish author, and well known blogger, that I could not read small fonts, and was attending hospital for retinal screening, and the next thing two superb audiobooks arrived in the post. Thank you.
Norman - I feel the same way about our community : )
Me too, Norman - and how kind of that well-known author and blogger - intials D. M. I suspect from your (much easier than usual) clues? A very generous person, I agree. I hope the screening goes well, Norman - I sat through a lot of that with my mother and it can get somewhat tiresome so enjoy your listening to take your mind off it.
Margot, a lot of us feel the same. :o)
Thanks Maxine, luckily everything was fine, but over the last year I have cost the NHS more than the GDP of a small country in Eastern Europe.
How did you guess the author? ;o)
Gald everything went well Norman. Aint aging a nuisance!
Oh isn't that gal from the Badsville a sweetheart? I agree though that the book bloggers are a splendid bunch of folk.
I have listened to that version of Child 44 - it is a terrific narration of a wonderful story so I hope you enjoy it and also hope that they can find some way to help you with your eyes. I've bought my mum an e-reader which can enlarge the font and she is quite happy with it - it's a basic model (not the Kindle) but suits her.
Aging is indeed a nuisance Kerrie, but the alternative is......... not ready for that yet as I have too many books to read. ;o)
Bernadette, yes she is a real sweetie. I am looking forward to starting Child 44.
Part of the eye problem is the ludicrous low energy light bulbs we have, they make you feel you can't see . I have since purchased a special reading lamp and although I still can't concentrate on smaller fonts reading is a lot easier. I shall have to save up for one of these e-readers or technical gizmos like an ipad.
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