My recent reading material has been of a very high quality. After finishing Eric Ambler's A Coffin for Dimitrios which I reviewed here I read:
The Jerusalem File: Joel Stone
Gallows Lane: Brian McGilloway
I have now begun Alone In Berlin by Hans Fallada and this is a novel whose cover note and blurbs are an accurate appraisal of the work.
"Alone In Berlin is one of the most extraordinary and compelling novels ever written about World War II. Ever. Please do not miss this." Alan Furst
Reviews of these three books will appear in due course on Euro Crime.
very interesting and useful for me
I was very pleased to see that Alone in Berlin, published by Melville House as Every Man Dies Alone in the US, has also been published as a Penguin Classic. This is no mere thriller, literary of otherwise, as Primo Levi's comments, which induced me to read it, attest. Melville has also put out Fallada's 1932 novel Little Man, What Now?, which tells of a family's battle to survive in the Weimar Republic. Much looking forward to the arrival of that.
Thanks Philip, I shall keep watch out for that one.
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