From the Daily Telegraph:
While millions of patients in England will still be expected to pay for vital medication, prescriptions in Scotland will be available free of charge within four years.
The move was cited as the starkest example yet of the "unfairness" of the current funding arrangement, with English taxpayers forced to pay towards improvements to health care and education available only in Scotland.
Scottish residents already have access to free eye care and dental check ups, free personal care for the elderly, extra central heating grants and a number of drugs deemed "too costly" for the National Health Service in England and Wales.
As a result of plans announced earlier this summer, Scottish students will receive a free university education and pupils in the early years of primary school could soon be taught in class sizes as small as 18.
This is grossly unfair as many other things are in life but leads on quite well to my next moan with a Scottish connection.
I recently purchased The Rough Guide to Crime Fiction by Barry Forshaw with a foreword by Ian Rankin. This book covers crime fiction around the world and does contain an enormous amount of valuable information, but a lot of people new to crime fiction will probably buy it because it has the name Ian Rankin on the front.
However I think the book is fatally flawed and I am still shocked that the editor of Crime Time magazine and Ian Rankin did not notice the omissions.
"Barry Forshaw has tackled these issues [and many others] in a book that covers crime fiction from every part of the world-it's a daunting task."
"This insider's book recommends over 200 classic crime novels and mystery authors...."
I wondered whether my copy has some missing pages, or were the author and publisher more interested in getting Ian Rankin's name on the cover than producing a definitive summary of crime fiction.
Among the missing authors are;
Rex Stout, creator of Nero Wolfe and Archie Goodwin
Laura Lippman
Giles Blunt
R.D.Wingfield, creator of Inspector Frost
Ken Bruen
And if these omissions were not shocking enough:
Reginald Hill, creator of Dalziel and Pascoe
Any suggestions as to why these authors were omitted from an "insider's book"?