Saturday, July 02, 2011


No reviews at the moment because I am half way through one excellent police procedural, and three quarters of the way through an exciting and intelligent thriller.
I don't normally read two books at once, as that would require too much effort from the old brain box. But when we were ready to depart on a short visit to friends [a teasing clue to their location is in the photo] I decided that although I was really enjoying reading the bulky paperback of Frozen Moment by Camilla Ceder perhaps it was too big to carry.

I took my Kindle instead because:

1] It weighed less and fits into a bag more easily.
2] I have the version with a light, which means that if I could not sleep in a strange bed I would be able to read.
3] The fact that the font size can be increased for easy reading is one of the major reasons I purchased a Kindle.

The book I started reading while away Devil's Peak by Deon Meyer was recommended by Karen at Euro Crime some while ago, but when I looked at a paperback copy the font seemed miniscule. That made it an ideal choice for purchase on the Kindle.

So while I still like the feel of real books the Kindle is becoming essential for reading anything with small fonts.

Devil's Peak won the Martin Beck Award in 2010 [for crime fiction translated into Swedish] beating books by Arnaldur Indridason and Reginald Hill.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Norman - I admit; I haven't gotten a Kindle or other E-reader. I probably will at one point or another, and I most definitely see their appeal.

7:10 AM  
Blogger Uriah Robinson said...

Margot-the other obvious reason for owning a Kindle is that if you go away for long holidays you can take an entire collection of books. Even though I have made quite a lot of flights I still can't read on planes, as it makes me feel sick, but I can understand people who regularly make long haul trips using Kindles.

9:04 AM  
Anonymous kathy d. said...

I still am a Luddite about Kindles, Facebook, iphones, ipods, etc.

I am nearly always home so my computer is fine, and paper books are also fine with me.

By the way, I was up all night reading Mistress in the Art of Death and loving it, although I am not usually a fan of historical fiction -- crime or otherwise.

But Diana Norman aka Ariana Franklin wrote this brilliantly.
And her ideas, as presented by Adelia, were quite good.

11:56 AM  
Blogger Uriah Robinson said...

Kathy I am a total Luddite myself. What amuses me is that my grandchildren can operate all this stuff in about 1/10th of the time it takes me to read the instructions.
I agree Mistress of the Art of Death was brilliant, and Adelia a superb and original creation.

12:48 PM  
Anonymous kathy d. said...

And Diana Norman/Ariana Franklin made such good points through Adelia about the world as it was then obviously.

My eyes have been opened about Cambridge in the 12th century, aspects of the Crusades I hadn't thought about, the widening of the world, travel, etc.

A very enlightened, brilliant woman was the writer, and obviously, she was quite a humanitarian, with much respect for varying cultures, religions, people, etc.

Not normally a fan of historical mysteries, I will convert for this series, a temporary conversion, but one nevertheless.

2:33 PM  

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