On 10 July I noted the countries from which I had visitors over a thirty day period and was pleasantly surprised.
The list of countries has got longer since then with seventeen more countries, and therefore I have produced an updated map.
looks good Norman
I am impressed, Norman! And I like the visual, too : ).
Well done Norman. Guess the blank spaces just tell there is no English speaking person around or there is no Internet conection.
Thanks Margot. I love any kind of map.
Thanks Jose Ignacio. This was only since June but I have noticed before that time period visitors from Mongolia, Kazahkstan, Tadjikstan, Madagascar, Belarus, Ghana and Algeria. So perhaps I might be able to entice these people back over the next few months.
At the moment I am reading Teresa Solana, A Not So Perfect Crime translated from the Catalan, and enjoying the humour and social commentary very much.
Thanks Kerrie.
I see red!
This goes to prove how global your blog is :D
A very welcome visitor from Belarus today fills that white area in Europe. More red!
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