My contribution to the Crime Fiction Alphabet meme hosted at Kerrie's Mysteries in Paradise which has resumed after a holiday break is M for Morris.
R.N. [Roger] Morris writes an intriguing historical crime fiction series featuring the detective from Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment, Porfiry Petrovich.
On his web site here there is a store of information about his books with links to articles on his Debt to Dostoevsky posted on The Rap Sheet. From this I learned that the superbly scruffy TV character Lieutenant Columbo, played so brilliantly by Peter Falk, was based on Porfiry Petrovich.
I have not read the first book in the series, A Gentle Axe [2007] but I reviewed number two, A Vengeful Longing [2008] for Euro Crime, and am eagerly awaiting A Razor Wrapped in Silk due out this year.
A Gentle Axe. This excellent review by Crimeficreader introduced me to this series.
From my review:
Historical crime mystery that captures both the feel and atmosphere of 19th century Russia as a decaying Kafka-esque empire waiting for revolution.
Norman - Thanks for introducing me to Morris. I enjoy historical mysteries very much, but haven't read this series. I shall have to remedy that....
Crimeficreader [Rhian] knows him well and he is a very nice guy. I have been waiting for number three to come out all through 2009.
You might also be interested in an historical series written by Boris Akunin, pseudonym of Grigory Chkhartishvili, set a little bit late in Russia with a dashing hero Erast Fandorin. I have read two Murder on the Leviathian,[ alocked ship mystery!] and Turkish Gambit [about the 1877 Siege of Plevna] which were both excellent. They are historical pastiches, Agatha Christie meets James Bond, Alexandre Dumas, Tolstoy and Conan Doyle!
Thanks for this contribution Norman. I have only read the first in the series and really need to make time for the second.
Thanks for the recommendation, Norman. You are now responsible for my TBR list getting higher than I am tall!
I could not get through the first one in this series - I really wanted to like it but I tried twice last year and never got past more than page 70 or so. I should perhaps try one of the others.
Margot why shouldn't your TBR pile get as untidy as mine.;o)
Bernadette, I sometimes find that the second book in a series is infinitely better than the debut and perhaps this has happened in this case. From memory you go straight into a murder in A Vengeful Longing. I am not keen on Russian names that confuse me although at present I am reading a book set in Athens and the Greek names are even more confusing.
Hi Norman, many many thanks for picking my book. I noticed a spike in the number of visitors to my bloody blog and feel sure it must be down to you!
Bernadette, sorry you didn't like A Gentle Axe! I tried my best! I'm learning all the time though, and hope that by the time I write my hundredth book (if I ever get there), I might just have got the hang of it. But there is no obligation to go back to a series you don't like. I certainly wouldn't. Life's too short. You just have to shrug and say this one's not for me!
Gotta check it out! Anything that comes out of Crime and Punishment interests me!
Here is my Crime Fiction Alphabet: M post!
Norm, the next one is coming on 1 April this year. See catalogue online:
Thanks for the very kind mention!
Thanks Gautami. I'll check your out.
Thanks for the 1st April crimeficreader I shall put that on my wish list.
Hi Roger, I had a huge spike in visitors yesterday and put it down to mentioning your book, or the Wallander on TV series. ;o)
Roger I was not joking M for Morris is rating number two on my search data ranking list.
1] Who is Lisbeth Salander? ;that has a prime position for some reason on google
2] M for Morris
3] Val McDermid
4] Wallander Faceless Killers
Norman, tell me more about your "search data" - how do you do that?
Nothing very clever on sitemeter I just go to 'page ranking' it gives a glimpse of what posts people are visiting at that moment.
Norman, if you would like a review copy of Razor just let me know your address.
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