The importance of the Swedish-Sami relationship in the novels Under the Snow and Blackwater by Kerstin Ekman has been discussed by Glenn Harper here .
My own Sami related story The Swedish Apache can be read here and the discussion was taken up at Detectives Beyond Borders here.
But here is Question Number One in a series of ten questions to be set that will accumulate points for Crime Scraps Grand End of Year Prize.
Some people will be handicapped as past winners and therefore require more points to win so that everyone has an equal chance.
What are the FIVE minority languages officially recognized by the Swedish government? I have told you one already!
Answers to thbear08@googlemail.com
Good Luck.
Norman I imagine you rubbing your hands together and cackling in fiendish glee when it occurred to you that you could continue your contest over an entire year. I hope to be one of those still standing at the end.
Tip: Yet another reason to learn Swedish, folks! The answer is on a famous website...
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