I am well into Robert Wilson's third book in the Javier Falcon series The Hidden Assassins and enjoying it immensely. It is a very long book 642 pages but I am in the 400s now and it contains enough plot twists, events and intelligent discussion to have held my attention despite considerable distractions.
Inspector Jefe Javier Falcon is investigating a corpse found on a municipal dump, whose face has been burned off with acid and whose hands have been cut off, when Seville is rocked by a huge explosion.
An apartment block with a mosque in its basement has been destroyed and with the city in panic there are many theories.
Was this the work of Islamic terrorists or a right wing Christian anti-Muslim group getting some kind of revenge for the Madrid train bombings?
While Javier, the homicide squad, and the intelligence service investigate the cause of the explosion and the rubble is slowly excavated serious complications arise in Javier's personal life.
His one time lover Consuelo is on the verge of a break down, and his ex-wife Ines is the victim of spousal abuse by her husband Esteban Calderon who happens to be the Juez de Instrucction in charge of directing the investigation.
'Terror is just a tool to bring about change.'
[to be continued]
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