5) Kevin, do you think Ireland is more or less corrupt since EU entry?
Since joining the EU, Ireland has punched above its weight. Corruption, like the poor, will always be with us; it’s something we share in equal measure with all our EU neighbours. Fact of life.
6) The blossoming of the Irish crime fiction scene seems to coincide with the end of the “troubles”. Do you think there is a connection, or is the economic boom the catalyst?
Since the troubles came to an end in N.Ireland, the former paramilitaries[terror groups] have, it seems, turned their talents to everyday crime-drug trafficking, armed robbery, mugging little old ladies, whatever.
All the material anyone would ever need as the basis for a crime fiction book.
7) Do you read non fiction, and if so what?
I try not to confine my reading to any one genre but apart from the odd biographic or historical tome I don’t have a lot of time left for non fiction.
8) How many more Emma Boylan books do you think there will be?
After I’ve finished each book, I tell myself I’m going to change direction, find a new protagonist but Emma is a difficult lady to turn your back on. So looks like we’re an item for the foreseeable future.
9) Was becoming an author always an ambition?
No, not at all. I’m what you might call an accidental author. My background is in advertising, PR and graphics. I was in a rut, wanting to get away from the mindless shit I was pedalling, discovered that writing had the power to save my soul.
10) If The Cat Trap was filmed or on TV who would you cast as Emma, or do you want to leave that to our imaginations?
Who would I cast as Emma? Hmmm. I like Victoria Smurfit. She’s the lead detective in the TV series “Trial and Retribution”, and yes, she’s a member of the filthy rich Smurfit dynasty-[the boss’s niece]. She’s great though.
Hilary Swank, Orla Brady or Cate Blanchett would be equally great. Casting couch now in operation. Next Please!
Thanks very much Kevin for answering those questions, and the insights into the difficult choices a writer has to make, Victoria Smurfit or Hilary Swank. Hmm.
Oh come on boys! She'd have to be played by an Irish actress and I'm voting for Brady, most recently seen in the BBC series Mistresses. She encapsulates "human" and has a wicked twinkle in her eye.
Sadly, I think Trial and Retribution has given Smurfit a rather hard (typecast) edge. Whenever I manage to see a bit of it, her hair is scraped back and her cheekbones look like razor blades trying to break through the skin, which doesn't help. Sorry, Kevin, but I see her more as one of the infamous wives with Brady as Emma...
And then there is Dervla Kirwan. Ballykissangel...The Bombmaker...Goodnight, Sweetheart...The Dark Room. Huge range and talent. And very pleasing to the eye, though heaven forfend that that should play any part in my hypothetical auditioning process.
My apologies if this comes through twice, Norm. I had a problem with transmission earlier.
Orla Brady, Dervla Kirwan, the BBC series Mistresses with Sharon Small......aaahh.
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