A reminder of America's colonial past at Tryon Palace in New Bern NC one of the nicest small towns that we have visited, and the soft shell crab was delicious.
I have been very busy this last week but should have a review of Sun and Shadow by Ake Edwardson ready some time next week. I have become so used to the lean mean style of the Italians where 300 pages is a long book, that I have struggled with this 500 page Swedish noir.
Phew! Thanks for putting me out of my misery.
You are a tease, by the way!
If you decide to do something like this again, please think of my blood pressure! Thanks! ;-)
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I'm interested to read you are going to review this book. It has been on my Amazon list for ages, as I've heard good things about it, waiting for UK paperback. It is out in PB now I think, but my stack is so huge I can wait a bit longer...or maybe not...depending on what you say about it. Looking forward to your review.
I've only read Edwardson's 'Never End' - http://www.eurocrime.co.uk/reviews/Never%20End.html and found it fairly heavy going. I still have S & S in the tbr but am not drawn to it! Look forward to your thoughts, as usual!
We are in celebration mode as my son Ben had some excellent exam results this morning. I had to sit down, and take my heart and blood pressure pills, before I opened the envelope.
We parents have to live through the stress of school entrance exams, GCSE, A Levels, Degree exams and now further professional qualifications. I am more stressed now than when I took my own exams, and last night dreamt that I was sitting them again 44 years later. This time I failed !!!!! But more importantly Ben didn't fail.
Peter, I can well see why you thought the building was in the beautiful historic area of Philadelphia. But I think you have vacationed in NC [from a comment on your blog] so I thought you might have been to New Bern.
Rhian, sorry to tease you but I might do another quiz in a few weeks, and psossibly it will be closer to home.
Maxine and Karen, thanks for your interest, but the pressure is on to produce a review. I can certainly agree with Karen that I have found Sun and Shadow a little bit "heavy going". I have really been so busy with "events" that reading has taken a back seat this last week. I will finish the book early next week and clear my thoughts before writing a review.
My vacation in North Carolina was sheer sloth -- all beach, no buildings.
Congratulations regarding your son's exams. Was that the son who attended university in Bath? I ask because I am reading one of Peter Lovesey's Peter Diamond novels and also because I've visited Bath.
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"
Not as close as I thought; I was thinking it might be one of the many buildings in the national historic park that surrounds Independence Hall in Philadelphia, some of which date from almost precisely the same time as this one -- the same year, in at least one case.
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"
Peter, yes Ben was at University of Bath. It certainly is one of my favourite cities and the superb buildings and fairly compact size make it a good place for a weekend visit.
I have probably seen more of North Carolina than you then! I remember that it was April 2001 and we drove up on the road from Wilmington to Swansboro that goes through Camp Lejeune. There was a young Marine, he looked about 17 years old, at the checkpoint, who told us it was OK to drive on through, and it strange to think on all that has happened since in the world, and wonder what happend to that Marine.
Funny I don't remember deleting a comment? Very puzzling, and if I have removed someone's comment by mistake I apologise.
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