I am currently reading the Nicolas Freeling 1962 classic Love In Amsterdam, which was his first book featuring police detective Van Der Valk.
A very popular TV series with an even more popular musical theme was made in the 1970's based on the books. I see that the series is out now on DVD, and I am tempted to see if they were as good as I remember. I cannot believe it was that long ago!
[review of Love in Amsterdam coming soon.....]
I remember reading every one of these, and also the subsequent series (shorter) featuring Mrs V de W. I think I liked the Mrs ones better, but can't remember why. He also wrote another series which I also read.
Maybe in those days there were fewer crime fiction books? I don't know how I found the time. I didn't actually enjoy or "get" many of the V de W books, but I still doggedly read each one either as it came out or as I came across it. (I was about 15 at the time and very ignorant of the real world then, which may explain why I didn't get some aspects.)
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