The correct answers to the quiz to win an ARC of A Game of Lies by Rebecca Cantrell were:
1] Which country boycotted the 1936 Berlin Olympics and organized their own games? What prevented those games from starting?
Spain and the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War.
2] Who was the high jumper prevented from competing in the Berlin Olympics although she held the German record, and had won the British high jump championship?
Gretel Bergmann, later Margaret Lambert, who was Jewish. You can read some of her story here and here.
There were nine correct answers, and as unfortunately I only had one prize we had to draw a lucky winner.
Mrs Crime Scraps, with her eyes closed, picked a numbered piece of paper from a hat, and the prize will be sent off next week to an address west of Barcelona, and east of Vigo.
Sorry to the unlucky eight better luck next time, and thanks for competing.
Great, Norman. And I think the winner a worthy recipient if I can pin him down from the geographical clues provided ;-) British Columbia has not featured for a while, I hope all is well there.
Norman - Thanks for this follow-up, and a big congratulations to the winner! :-). Looking forward to your next competition.
Gee--we was robbed!
Seriously, what would make up for this is good reviews on the Dagger shortlist nominees.
Then those of us across the pond will have to figure out how to purchase these books; most are not in the libraries.
Maxine-Our friend from BC hasn't commented for a long while and as he was around my age I am concerned. :o(
It was a pity I didn't have more prizes to offer.
Margot-thanks another competition coming soon.
Kathy-sorry you didn't win but you will have a chance to win a PB of The Wings of the Sphinx, the Camilleri on the short list, next week.
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