Last year one of the most popular features on Crime Scraps was the Dartmoor Dozen. Readers were asked to compile a list of crime fiction books in the nominated categories, for someone who had never read crime fiction, and might be snowed in on Dartmoor.
The idea caught on and lists of books that could well be used as a university introduction course to the genre were produced by some very knowledgeable bloggers.
My own Dartmoor Dozen choices are here: part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six, and part seven.
I was even able to cajole Duchess Donna Moore, crime writer and raconteur, and a lady with an incredible knowledge of crime fiction as well as Glasgow bus services to guest blog for me. This was in the days before she had her own fantastic blog featuring Scottish crime fiction at Big Beat From Badsville.
Next week I have another real treat for you as I have persuaded another attractive talented crime writer with an encyclopedic knowledge of the genre to guest blog and give us her version of the Dartmoor Dozen.
Margot Kinberg has a wonderful blog at Confessions of a Mystery Novelist, that convinces me that she knows more about Agatha Christie than Mathew Prichard. [Agatha Christie's grandson]
So come back on Monday for Margot's Dartmoor Dozen.
*Deep blush* Thank you so much for such a kind introduction, Norman : ). I'm truly looking forward to my visit, too. Now, where is my passport? ; ).
It was a fine idea, and an even better idea to invite the knowledgeable Margot to contribute.
You could as well Dorte. You meet the qualifications. ;o)
Love the categories Norman. Great spread and very representative of the development of crime fiction...
Norman - I loved it, it was great fun and I would do it again in a heartbeat. Margot - you will have a fine time and I look forward to reading it!
Duchess Donna
Thanks Craig. If your blog Crime Watch and Dorte's Global Challenge had been around then, I might have added specific categories for Australasian, Asian and Latin American crime fiction.
But then twelve categories is probably enough....
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