Kerrie at the brilliant Mysteries in Paradise has discussed the definition of "Scandinavian" with relevance to the Scandinavian Reading Challenge.
I am going to follow the 'Oxford Dictionary of English' definitions, simply because I want to read Hyopothermia by Arnaldur Indridason as part of the challenge.
Scandinavia: a cultural region consisting of the countries of Norway, Sweden and Denmark and sometimes also Iceland, Finland and the Faroe Islands.
also Scandinavian: the northern branch of the Germanic languages, comprising Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Icelandic, and Faroese, all descended from the Old Norse.
Norman - I think you have quite a good case : ).
... and my lips are sealed ;D
Well Dorte told me at my blog that Iceland and Finland don't really count and because she lives in proper Scandinavia I know I should take her word on the subject. But as the only book I've read for the Scandinavian challenge is set in Iceland I suspect I'll play a bit fast and loose with the definition as well :)
I like the "brilliant" bit!
Bernadette, I would never argue with Dorte, but I would tease her so doesn't geographical Scandinavia exclude Denmark. ;o)
Kerrie, brilliant is well deserved.
Now you are making progress, Norman! And soon we (meaning the northern part of Jutland) will tear ourselves apart from Denmark and unite with Scotland :D
Dorte, some years ago we were in Galicia and there were signs in English which said 'This is not Spain-Freedom for Galicia".
Cornwall [Kernow] definitely wants to break away from England and join with Galicia, and possibly Scotland, Ireland and Wales in a Celtic Union. I did not realise North Jutland wanted to be in that club. Do you play the bagpipes?
I may read Hypothermia but I had better also read The Woman from Bratislava by Dane Leif Davidsen as part of my Scandinavian Challenge. ;o)
Well, if the choice is Copenhagen or Edinburgh ... But not until they have paid that parliament building. Scots think they are stingy, we know we are :O
Danes are prudent and careful, not stingy Dorte. ;o)
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