'Successive British governments bear a heavy load of responsibility for what followed the armistice. They gave their name to a peace dictated to a beaten enemy on the assumption of victory, but allowed the victory which was the sanction of that peace to be forgotten, and the sinews that should have upheld that victory to wither away.
In short, by disparaging the soldiers capacity to win a war, the politicians made certain that they would lose the peace.'
Extracts from To Win A War, 1918 The Year of Victory: John Terraine March 1978
As it never fails to do The Last Post playing on the radio at 11 this morning brought tears to my eyes.
It brings tears to my eyes as well and I think of myself as a tough old git.
So you are allowed to cry Bernadette especially as Australia gave so much in both world wars.
The photo on the left is my wife's grandfather, a petty officer in the Royal Australian Navy who was lost in a submarine in Jan 1918.
On the right my uncle [my mother's brother] killed September 27, 1918 in the Royal West Kent's assault on the Hindenburg Line.
Norman - Thanks for sharing this with us. We should not ever forget, and I'm glad you've reminded us....
Those photos really brought a lump to my throat, too, and no spring chicken, myself.... So many people gave so much....
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