I really wonder why the two episodes of the RTE-Danish TV program Proof were put on at 00.20 in the morning and not at a more reasonable time. But then the theme of the program, human trafficking of Eastern European women to fund expensive political campaigns for corrupt politicians is a bit too close to reality for prime time programming. Ireland, the Celtic Tiger, has gained massively from membership of the European Union, but many have been left behind by this economic miracle and feel like strangers in their own country.
Charlestown, a Boston suburb, produces more bank robbers and armoured car thieves than any square mile in the world.[Prince of Thieves: Chuck Hogan]
Perhaps on the banks of the Liffey there are more corrupt politicians than anywhere else........... or would another capital city claim that honour.
Politicians can we trust them? Well I will leave that difficult question to bloggers with lower blood pressure than I.
"They are all rather nice people with reasonable views. They are strongly opposed to Marxism......" Heinz Zarnke in a letter to his parents Germany 1923
I saw your post on Declan Burke's blog. You asked if Ireland was becoming the new Sweden. The answer is, possibly, yes. So this means your reading list may grow a bit longer: Burke, Declan Hughes, Ken Bruen, and perhaps some of the other Irish authors Burke writes about.
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"
I will need to do a speed reading course to cover all the books I want to read. My trip to Hay on Wye has created its own TBR pile, but I must delve into the Irish crime scene some time soon.
Recommendations please.
I'm not up on the Irish crime-fiction scene yet, but I can recommend Burke's The Big O and Ken Bruen's Brant novels, though the latter are set in England, I beleive.
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"
Borderlands by Brian McGilloway is just wonderful, and extremely short. I can't recommend it too highly.
As for the 2 a.m. TV, I will have to pass on that -- I never watch it at any time of day so I am unable to comment with any authority. Sounds good, though -- I should perhaps rethink my approach to insomnia. But those 6 a.m. starts for getting to work are a bit of a killer if you've been indulging a mere few hours before!
Peter, I think the Brant books are set in South East London so I will give those a miss. The Burke goes on my wish list.
Thanks Maxine for recommending Borderlands I will certainly put that on the list. Those of us who are retired are able to oversleep, but as these programs were on at 00.20 and 01.05 I used the recorder.
I do miss those wet cold January mornings and the 6.00am shower and the 6.45am drive to work for an 8.00am start. Especially Mondays when I worked on to 20.00 hours and drove home in the dark, rain and wind; and working Saturday mornings and Christmas Day and New Years Day.....ugh.
You got me going there talking about 6.00am starts and work.
The only plug I'll make for the Brant and Roberts books is that they're infused with Bruen's sensibility which, one could argue, is the Irish crime-fiction sensibility, with all its violent humor. Besides, they're fun to read, even if the copy-editing is sometimes sloppy.
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"
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