Thanks to that excellent site Detectives Beyond Borders for the link to an interesting Bloody Foreigners tour.
Of the six authors featured I have Gianrico Carofiglio's A Walk In The Dark on my TBR pile.
A few comments and thoughts about crime books set on the mainland of Europe, with titbits about real eurocrime. We hear so much about crime in the USA that many people imagine that Europe is a crime free zone. In crime fiction Europe has become a real challenger to the Americans, but unfortunately real life crime especially in Britain is increasing as well.
A Walk in the Dark is excellent and I thought his first book, Involuntary Witness was even more gripping.
I'm with Euro Crime -- Carofiglio's Involuntary Witness was one of the most sutble, moving crime novels I've read in years. There's almost no way A Walk in the Dark could have reached those heights, but I'm glad to hear it's good as well (just started it last night, and don't have an impression yet).
I will obviously have to put Involuntary Witness on my wish list. Thanks.
I think the safest bet :-) is to buy every Bitter Lemon Press title going.
I think Carofiglio's style is so different, the originality made IW an exceptional novel. AWITD is very good but I didn't get quite the same 'wow' as it wasn't the first time I'd been exposed to his writing (if that makes any sense!).
I Look forward to your opinion on it in the future.
OK, OK, I've just got to buy it now. thanks! I am getting a bit fed up with the crime fiction I've been reading recently, I have actually not finished about the last 6 books I've pulled out of my pile in the cupboard which is very unusual for me. But this one (Witness) sounds just the ticket.
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