I watched the next Swedish Wallander episode, The Overdose, last night which I had recorded on BBC 4 Monday night.
This is a series which is growing on me despite the dark pitiless plots, and the subtitles which mean you have to concentrate hard.
Last week's episode, The Brothers, was partially a commentary on the social gulf between rich and poor and between indigenous and immigrant populations, this week's involved the exploitation of fourteen year old schoolgirls by some disgusting older males. You could almost imagine that the plot was written by Stieg Larsson, while hoping all the time that Lisbeth Salander would bounce in with a taser gun. A trial and legal process was far too benevolent a fate for these guys.
When Kurt Wallander is very worried about his health, he confides in Ann-Britt Hoglund, who wouldn't, meanwhile his daughter Linda is devastated by the case as it brings back very unpleasant memories of her childhood.
There is also a hint of romance in the air between Kurt and Ann-Britt, but when a very upset Linda snuggles for comfort into Stefan's bed he carries on reading a Donna Leon novel.
I have chosen to highlight these slightly lighter moments because watching The Overdose is a harrowing experience, and it got me extremely angry at the behaviour of the male authority figures.
What acting in this episode did to the psyche of the brilliant actress Johanna Sallstrom, who played Linda Wallander, I would not care to guess.
I will be watching again next week.
Hi! So glad we found this entry..... please tell me you remember the ending to this? We just DVR-watched this a few minutes ago on public TV and it froze the last 10 minutes so we missed the ending. Unbelievable! Would you be so kind as to tell us who it was and what happened to Karl? Our email is superkitties4@yahoo.com. Eternally grateful!!!!!
I am so sorry but I watched this a year ago, and at the moment I just can't remember. This is one of the penalties of old age and an incident full life. If I mange to recall this I will let you know. Perhaps another visitor will know?
Awwww, shoot! But thanks so much for answering so quickly, and yes, hopefully someone else will remember this episode.
Pleased to have found your site, have been enjoying your posts, and have some additions to my reading list already@
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