1. Norway
2. Iceland
3. Australia
4. Ireland
5. Sweden
6. Canada
7. Japan
8. USA
9.= Finland, Netherlands, Switzerland
12. Belgium, Luxembourg
14. Austria
15. Denmark
16. France
17.= Italy, United Kingdom
19. Spain
20. New Zealand
2. Iceland
3. Australia
4. Ireland
5. Sweden
6. Canada
7. Japan
8. USA
9.= Finland, Netherlands, Switzerland
12. Belgium, Luxembourg
14. Austria
15. Denmark
16. France
17.= Italy, United Kingdom
19. Spain
20. New Zealand
This is the list of the top twenty countries in the world rated for their quality of life. A few surprises here with Italy way down at 17=, Denmark at 15, and the United Kingdom ahead of Spain and New Zealand.
I was about to consign this study to the category of "deranged academia at it again", when I realised the reason for this order.
The top 5 Norway [Jo Nesbo, Karin Fossum], Iceland[Arnaldur Indidrason], Australia [Peter Temple,Gary Disher], Ireland [Ken Bruen, Declan Burke and others], and Sweden [Henning Mankell, Karin Alvetegen, Kjell Eriksson, Ake Edwardson, Liza Marklund, and Hakan Nesser] have produced some of the best crime fiction in the world over the past few years.
But no way should Italy [Andrea Camilleri, Massimo Carlotto, Carlo Lucarelli, Gianrico Carofiglio] be rated that low down.
Obviously more study is required as to what parameters were used, especially as so many people from the UK move to Spain.
The UK usually comes in trailing last in these sort of studies just behind the USA and very far behind the Scandinavians. This is possibly because not all of Britain is as beautiful as Devon, with Dartmoor and two beautiful coasts. No I am not being paid by the tourist board, it is true.
I suspect that Italy ranked where it did more because of its public utilities and political corruption than because of its crime writers and its food.
From the names and accents I've heard from employees of British Rail my last few visits, I'd say a fair number of people move from Spain to the UK, perhaps to spend their working life there before retiring to Spain.
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"
And how about some visual evidence to back up your boasts about the beautiful parts of your country? (You may ignore the words attached to these links and look at the photos instead: http://detectivesbeyondborders.blogspot.com/2007/05/39-steps-on-stage.html, http://detectivesbeyondborders.blogspot.com/2007/05/bit-more-about-buchan.html)
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"
Peter, political corruption in Italy is part of the national culture like pasta and surely should not be allowed to count against them.
The British Empire/State seems to be in terminal decline and we do have to import the former subject peoples and allied tribes to do the work, while we relax on the beaches.
I recognise your photos and mine were taken at the Powder Mill, and Beer.
I am considering posting photos of the new architectural masterpieces in Exeter including the Vue Cinema and the new shopping mall, but the tourist board might sue me.
Why not take a post a picture of fidgeting men waiting in line for the lower-level facilities at the Vue? Perhaps a Saturday evening showing of a highly popular film might best convey your message.
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"
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